Midas NV, Florence ID, California newspapers, and the California Fires of 1856 by Alan H. Patera (Western Places Volume 1-1)
Midas NV, Florence ID, California newspapers, and the California Fires of 1856 by Alan H. Patera (Western Places Volume 1-1)
Midas NV, Florence ID, California newspapers, and the California Fires of 1856 by Alan H. Patera
Western Places Volume 1-1
This early issue of Western Places has articles on multiple locations and topics as illustrated by the table of contents below.
Midas, Nevada
California Fires of 1856
Florence, Idaho
Eberhardt Mining Company
California Newspapers
Financial Meanderings: Fiscal Paper of the Old West
This book has a limited quantity as we do not expect any reprints.
Paperback, 56 pages, 8.5 x 11 inches. This book contains numerous photographs, both 19th century ones and others taken recently.